Saturday, November 12, 2011

Love them anyway...

I guess it's true...when they make wrong choices you love them anyway :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I'm not doing so well with the taking of pictures. I failed to take a picture of Mags as Super Girl & failed to take a picture of all 3 of them in costume trick-or-treating. Sad. I may make them dress up tonight and pretend it's Halloween again. We'll see how much cooperation I get and go from there. Jack & Mags both had class parties, Jack had a parade at school, then we went to Center Street to trick-or-treat, followed by dinner & finally more trick-or-treating in the neighborhood! They had lots of fun! And the weather was glorious, so that made my night :)
He's a dalmatian, not a cow. Just in case you couldn't tell!

Jack's scary eyes
Maggie Moo's pumpkin
Jack's pumpkin
Jack carved the back of his pumpkin. I think he said it's a flying cat.

Jack took these ghostly pictures

Happy Halloween!