This picture represents potty training! Which is
definitely not fun, but had Maggie not finished right before summer started our summer would have been one big mother-daughter power
struggle. With lots of tears, sweat, tantrums and time outs on the mothers end of the struggle. I don't know how she came out of it smiling, but I'm sure glad she did!

Maggie had to have surgery at the end of May. She had tubes put in her ears.

Iliana for the get well balloons, sign and treat bag. And for watching Jack all day.

Jack played T-Ball with Ty-Ty this year.

Mags and Gavin cheering on their older brothers!

Jack and Maggie eating a
Popsicle after the 4
th of July bike parade.

Summer school! Maggie was super excited to go to school for the first time. And bonus she gets to go with
I know this looks evil, but it is her "I'm super excited for the first day of school" face!

Phillip has been hiking a lot this summer and took Jack with him to see the waterfall. Jacker looks so big to me in these pictures. Sob. When did that happen? Overnight on June 6
th, that's when.

I have no idea what is going on here! Crazy girl.

And that's some of our summer far.
P.S. This is all for you Lis! I hope you're happy. Love you.
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